Premium Boxes manufacturer in Sri Lanka

Boxes Manufacturer for Apparel Industry

We design and manufacture all types of boxes for apparel industry.

At Classic Impressions we provide the finest printing and packaging solutions for the apparel export industry. Our solutions include premium quality boxes for any apparel related packaging need whilst providing a convenient apparel packaging solution for your every need. Our apparel packaging solutions cater to leading international brands in the market. As always our packaging can be customized to your satisfaction.

Boxes Manufacturer for Tea Industry

At Classic Impressions we have the technology and related know- how to design and manufacture tea boxes specially made for tea exports. Any design in any colour is never a challenge for us and we pride ourselves in to cater to the most complex customer requirements in this aspect

The Tea industry is an entirely different cup to deal with. At Classic Impressions we are connoisseurs of printing and packaging for the tea export industy. Our range of premium products include high quality elegant boxes specially made for the tea industry export market. Our packaging products are designed and manufactured in line with the latest trends and standards of the tea export industry.

Printing and packaging for food industry

The role of the packaging when it comes to food products should be to whip up appetites and whet tongues. At Classic Impressions we are experts at churning out Superior quality boxes for food packaging and export purposes. As always the sizes and designs can be customised as required.

Printing and packaging for footwear industry.

Confident feet can take you places. Shouldn’t the packaging solutions be as trend setting? Well at Classic Impressions we are well-versed with producing high strength boxes for footwear manufacturers. Our well-designed superior printing and packaging solutions include shoe boxes or any other footwear related packaging products. Each of these creations sport the latest designs and materials to delight customers.

Printing and Packaging for any Industry

Globalisation has introduced the world to a vast array of products and each requires their own packaging treatment. Classic Impressions has the expertise to produce any kind of printing and packaging solution with ease and flair. Our specialized boxes and packaging are aimed not just at the local market but more importantly the export market. Our service is marked with speed and reliability.